What is the Network Meeting (NWM)?
NWM is a four-day event, which brings together AEGEE-members from all over Europe. As it’s just four days, it’s usually very intense. During the daytime, there are sessions, which are really useful and inspiring. The aim is to develop ourselves, our local antennas, our networks, AEGEE-Europe and last but not least the society in general – because that’s what we work for in AEGEE 😉 Well… and after the sessions the program doesn’t end. During the night time participants have looots of fun as it’s partyyy time! That’s the time to get to know better who are the AEGEEans from other cities and countries. It’s time to just enjoy their international and joyful company. Although participants usually don’t get enough sleep, they don’t mind. Because they know that in a few days they are far away from those amazing people and now is the time to enjoy the NWM at it’s fullest. This autumn two of our members went to Network Meeting. Let’s see how it was…
Anett’s adventures in Manchester, United Kingdom
The aim of Manchester’s Network Meeting was to draw attention to Brexit, analyse if and how this affects AEGEE as an organisation; get to know more about European Bodies and to talk about civic education and its importance. Sessions and workshops were very informative, interesting and mostly done in groups so that people would discuss more and share ideas. The event took place in a lovely English countryside in a hostel which was just ours to enjoy and there was no Wi-Fi so in my opinion it was perfect. We had over 20 young and brilliant minds from all over Europe, whose passion and enthusiasm are the initiatives to make a difference. My whole view of AEGEE changed completely and I’m overwhelmed by all the new information and my opportunities within our organisation. I think the most important thing I learned was that communication is the key to success and it’s important to make my voice heard. It was my first foreign AEGEE event and I’m beyond grateful to have been a part of this amazing adventure of ideas, sharing, laughter and memories.
Maret’s adventures in Cagliari, Italy
If I have to name 3 most memorable things from the NWM they would be inspiring people hospitality by AEGEE-Cagliari and good weather.
At our NWM we had several members who have been or still are leading AEGEE-Europe. They weren’t superior or distant – they were just like us. It made me realize that all of us can make a change, if we only know our possibilities! And during the sessions these were the things we got to know better. We can take an initiative to educate the people at our locals but as well we can collaborate with other 200 antennas from our network and make a change in Europe! If you know what’s the problem that needs to be solved in the society and you have some enthusiasm to make the change then most probably AEGEE will give you the necessary tools and support.
Also it was unique how AEGEE-Cagliari took care of us! We had a really nice hostel, plenty of goood food (even seafood :O It was delicious!), and a lot of alcohoool! Basically, I didn’t spend any money during the NWM and I know that our fee could only cover one night in the hostel, so they must have done a good fundraising!
And the weather!!! If you’re from Estonia and scared of the cold, 23 degrees in November is a dream! Even if you spend a day indoors, it’s still nice to look out of the window and see a nice Mediterranean city on the hill and sun shining out there!
And last but not least I would love to mention AEGEE-people and their spirit! It’s awesome! I’m glad I got a chance to meet those people, to share our experiences and to have this really fun time together! And most awesome thing is that I know that I will meet (at least some of) those people again in my life!
Check out where the next NWM-s are going to take place:
Don’t miss your chance to take part in one of the great events that AEGEE is offering you!