The Taste of Estonia: Independence day

We are once again nearing the 24th of February, known to Estonians as Independence Day, the anniversary of founding the Republic of Estonia in 1918. This day is filled with celebrations starting with flag-hoisting at sunrise, a parade of the Defence Forces, concerts and a presidential reception. People can enjoy the festivities from the comfort of their own homes thanks to a full-day ERR television broadcast. And with the great celebration always comes an abundant mealtime with all the favourites from Estonia’s national cuisine. 


That is why today we would like to share two quick, fun and most importantly delicious recipes from our national kitchen so you could get a true taste of Estonia.


Photo from

Kiluvõileivad – spiced sprat sandwiches

What you need:

  • sliced dark rye bread
  • butter (room temperature)
  • cleaned spiced sprat fillets (get canned sprats from a supermarket)
  • hard-boiled eggs
  • chopped green onion tops

How to make:

  1. Optional: remove the bread crusts
  2. Butter the bread and cut the slices into rectangles
  3. Top with a cleaned spiced sprat fillet, then add the sliced egg and lastly sprinkle with chopped onions
  4. Serve and enjoy!


Photo from

Kamakreem maasikatega – Kama-cream with strawberries

Kama is a traditional ingredient in Estonian cuisine. This is a finely milled flour mixture, usually containing barley, rye, oat and pea flour. You can easily find the ready-made mixture “KAMAJAHU” from any supermarket nowadays. It can be simply mixed with kefir for example to make a quick drink or also be used in different desserts. 

What you need (serves 4 people):

  • 50-gram kamajahu
  • 50-gram sugar
  • 2 dl 35% cream (whipped cream)
  • 250-gram strawberries or different berries of your choice (blueberries/raspberries)

How to make:

  1. Whip the cream with sugar and slowly add the kamajahu
  2. Slice the strawberries and add to the mixture
  3. Serve in a dessert bowl and decorate with additional berries or mint

Enjoy the food with family or friends! And if you don’t feel like cooking on this festive day you can always hop to the nearest supermarket and buy yourself a Kohuke, the true pride of Estonia.


The recipes were referred from Nami-Nami Blog.

Text composed by: Liisa Õunpuu


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