AEGEE-Tartu is an international, tolerant and open community of friends. We are part of AEGEE, European Student Forum to create self development opportunities for students here in Tartu.
Its current main focus areas are bridges of dialogue (inimestevahelised suhted), eco-responsible society (keskkonnasõbralik ühiskond), digital culture (digitaalne kultuur). Drawing inspiration from focus areas we organise events in Tartu every week.
The topics may include European cultures, personal development or anything that is currently relevant. We also value social activities and time spent together. International projects take place around Europe all year round and everyone is free to apply to them straight after joining.
The longest and best-known project of AEGEE is Summer University during which you’ll spend two weeks somewhere in Europe together with a group of international friends, participate in thematic workshops, discover local culture and leave your comfort zone. There are lots of opportunities at both local and European level and each member is free to choose which ones they’d like to be part of. It’s not about your previous experience or position but your own initiative!
AEGEE (Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe) is a youth organisation founded in 1985 that is currently present in about 200 cities around Europe. One of its central ideas is borderless Europe. AEGEE works on two levels – local and European; there is no national level.
AEGEE gives you an opportunity to meet many interesting people from other countries, develop yourself through non-formal education, take part in thematic projects and discuss on current topics together with other young people. AEGEE events are organised by and for young people which makes the whole experience even more powerful!